
Maintenance Repair Semi-Trailer

Maintenance Repair Semi-Trailer

  • In business since 1985, there isn’t a thing on a trailer we cannot fix, from changing a light bulb to a complete accident rebuild.
  • Located near the airport between the 20 and 40, on Highway 13.
  • All mechanics are government PEP certified and trained in ABS diagnostics and repair.
  • Some fleets take advantage of our scheduling and fleet analysis reporting and forecasting to help with preventive versus reactive [and expensive] repairs.

Semi Trailer Servicing

FleetFIX and Greenmar is a leading service centre of semi truck trailers. Our facilities allow us to service semi trailers from bodywork, trailer door conversions, and mechanical repairs to the final SAAQ Quebec heavy vehicle inspection. Our parts department stocks all parts needed for day to day servicing on site.

Heavy Duty Truck Trailer Repair Shop

Since 1985 we have been the ideal solution for companies looking to have their trucks and trailers maintained at the highest possible standards with the least amount of downtime. Our onsite parts department means instant access to thousands of parts.